Category Archives: Web Development

Posts and articles about developing websites.

A picture is worth?

Infographics and marketing

A picture is worth a thousand words, that’s so true in a world where time is now a resource that very few can afford to waste. Getting as much information to your potential customer as quickly as possible is vital.
Say hello to a marketing tool that you will learn to love called infographics.

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payment gateway

Payment Gateway

Increase your Christmas takings

How do I increase my Christmas takings I hear you say?
Cutting your costs is an obvious step that many of us never take.

How many times have you been approached by the leaflet people in town and been told you could save money on your utilities and simply waved them away saying you are too busy? Dozens I expect, but, what if they could actually give you significant savings and you missed out?

But that’s household stuff and we don’t want to talk about your utilities, you are business people so we want to talk about your business.

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New website design trends

Update your website with latest trends.

This year has seen many new trends in website design, the updates in CSS3, JavaScript and Jquery along with some innovative designers and coders have seen sites get more engaging for the user. The sites that make use of social media to encourage their users to spread the word about their fantastic new websites will no doubt have benefited from increased awareness and sales as a result. Continue reading

Has Google got it wrong?

Google’s results have recently sent SEO-ers a little bit crazy, with many online businesses seeing their rankings go either down or up the ranking results with no apparent reason.
This has finally been explained by google who have informed us that they have released a new search algorithm that affects about 90% of searches.

This new update named hummingbird has apparently been in place for about a month and appears to be leaving the smaller online companies fighting to retain their position as the larger companies seem to be getting preferential treatment. Continue reading