Category Archives: Search Engine Optimisation

Posts and articles about optimising websites for search engines.

Link build a better 2014

What is link building about?

2014 is upon us and we are all looking at the best way to proceed when it comes to building our online business.

If you have been actively involved in a marketing campaign of any sort recently then you would have heard of link building, ever wondered what it is all about?

If we look back at the techniques our SEO experts advised us were needed in order to build a solid place in the search engines there was a lot of importance placed on links.

The smart businesses took notice and have gone on to achieve better rankings and these have hopefully translated into increased business.

To give yourself a fighting chance with Google, Yahoo, Bing etc you need to be thinking about adopting a link building strategy now.

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Christmas Marketing Plan

Online stores ready for Christmas?

Christmas is possibly the most important time for small businesses, it’s when the majority of the year’s hard work is done and when a large chunk of the year’s income is earned.

Planning now can make the difference between plain sailing and stormy seas so let’s have a quick look at the important things to do.

The date to start with is the last order date. Continue reading

Has Google got it wrong?

Google’s results have recently sent SEO-ers a little bit crazy, with many online businesses seeing their rankings go either down or up the ranking results with no apparent reason.
This has finally been explained by google who have informed us that they have released a new search algorithm that affects about 90% of searches.

This new update named hummingbird has apparently been in place for about a month and appears to be leaving the smaller online companies fighting to retain their position as the larger companies seem to be getting preferential treatment. Continue reading

SEO tips from HighersitesGroup.Com

 SEO tips from HighersitesGroup.Com


Google +1 is here, and it’s huge, but that fact has nothing to do with evaluating Google+ as a social network. Google has a billion people per month who search on their site. All of those results, paid and organic, are now able to be combined by Google with what we call “social endorsements”, otherwise known as those little pictures of your “friends” and an endorsement that they have‘liked’ or ‘+1’d’ some piece of content.

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Google Update Downgrades Keyword Domains

Last year saw the announcement of the Google EMD update which was geared towards removing low quality exact match domains in the search results. Despite insisting that only 0.6 of English and U.S. queries would be noticeably affected, large numbers of webmasters are adamant they are suffering as a result of both the EMD update and the latest Panda algorithm update.

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How do I get to number one in Google?

This is the question that every website owner asks me and the one to which there is no straightforward easy answer. My dad always used to impress upon me that you can’t get something for nothing. Google is the same. You want a top rank, you’re going to have to put in some effort. Quick fixes invariably don’t work.

Here’s how I answer the impossible question: “How do I get to number one in Google?” Continue reading