Due to a complete lack of time to update our own website, (as usual) I’ve decided to drop in a quick entry here to announce the launch of a few new exciting developments from the HigherSites camp.
First up is Classic Planes over at www.classicplanestv.com which is an exciting holding site in advance of the full site launching within the next few months that offers fans of Classic aeroplanes to relive marvelous moments throughout aeronautical history. Focussing primarily on WW2 the site offers spectacular mixes of 3D renders and live video to create short films on specific stories.
Second up this month is the rather tasty www.southern-fried-chicken.com which have long been a client of ours, but decided to give their site a refresh for ’09. Rather helpfully, they decided this should happen around the same time they came up with their new ‘Empire Fillet’ burger, and once I laid eyes on this beautiful creation it was obvious this was the driving force of the website. So it became then that the burger was pretty much the largest thing on the site, along with the slightly left-field tag line of ‘tastier than…’ and then several random ideas. We’re currently trying to adapt this functionality to include a live Twitter feed that would allow any burger munching connoisseur to suggest what they feel the burger is tastier than.
This was probably one the hardest projects for me to work on as I had to sit for several days putting together concepts of burgers while most of the time starving hungry…
So there we have it – 2 new launches in 1 month, more later!