Author Archives: Chris Ware

US Military to install Laser Turrets on Bombers and Fighters

What has previously been a thing of science fiction, the US military are going to install solid-state lasers into combat aeroplanes. The lasers are designed to protect the aircraft by shooting incoming threats such as surface-to-air missiles.

Google Update Downgrades Keyword Domains

Last year saw the announcement of the Google EMD update which was geared towards removing low quality exact match domains in the search results. Despite insisting that only 0.6 of English and U.S. queries would be noticeably affected, large numbers of webmasters are adamant they are suffering as a result of both the EMD update and the latest Panda algorithm update.

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2013 – The year of responsive web design

With tablet sales expected to exceed 100 million this year, media companies are seeing a huge move towards mobile traffic. Responsive web design is the most popular way to accommodate this change allowing users to access the one website on various devices.